What is short functional text?

Hai hai bestii balik lagi sama aku, Naiaa! Gimana kabar kalian hari ini? Semoga sehat selaluu dan jangan lupa bahagia yaa! Kali ini kita bakal belajar materi tentang short functional nihh. Hal yang akan kita pelajari diantaranya ada definition of short functional teks,purpose, types, structure, sample dan jugaa ada short functional teks yang akan aku buat. Nah, langsung saja yuk kita masuk ke materinya! Let's goouuu

1. Definition of short functional teks

Yang pertama kita akan belajar mengenai pengertian dari short functional teks nih. Apasih short functional teks itu? Yuk cari tahu

Short functional texts are types of informational texts to help the readers understand the information quickly. Short functional texts are usually characterized by:

- The use of clear, simple, and concise sentences.

- Pictures or symbols

- The use of particular words or letters.

2. Purpose of short functional teks

Nah gimana nih? Sekarang kalian udah tau kan tentang pengertian short functional teks? Yang selanjutnya kita akan mempelajari mengenai purpose/ fungsi dari short functional teks. Apa aja? Yuk cek

Main idea and purpose are intricately linked. There are a few basic purposes for texts; figuring out the basic purpose leads to more nuanced text analysis based on its purpose. Basic purposes of a text include:

- to inform – to describe, explain, or teach        something to your audience

- to persuade/argue – to get your audience to    do something, to take a particular action,or    to think in a certain way

- to entertain – to provide your audience          with insight into a different reality,                  distraction, and/or enjoyment

3. Types of short functional teks

Gimana nih besti? Pasti udah lumayan paham kan tentang short functional teks? Oke yang selanjutnya supaya kalian bisa lebih memahami tentang short functional teks, kita harus mengerti juga jenis-jenis nya. Apa saja jenis dari short functional teks ini? Yuk kita pelajari

a. Announcement

Announcement is an official statement or notification that is spoken, written or printed so that it is generally know about something that has happened or will happen. Announcements can be heard or found anywhere, usually posted in a place that people can easily see.

b. Greeting card

Greeting cards are cards that express the feelings of another. Usually given an interesting picture or writing to give attention to others. Greeting card   functions as an expression of sympathy and care to others.

The purpose is to congratulate someone’ achievement, express sympathy on someone’s, and motivate someone on gaining achievement

c. Invitations (Undangan)

Invitations are invitations given by someone to another person to attend an important event. In the invitation, we need to include the name of the person invited along with their title, if they have, the name of the event, time, place, and other additional information.

d. Letter ( Surat )

Letter is a written message with various contents and intentions sent to someone. Letters can be sent by postal service or by electronic mail or commonly known as e-mail.

e. Notice ( Peringatan / Pemberitahuan )

Notice is writing or a sign to provide information, instructions or a brief warning to the public. This warning must be easy to read, so it must use simple words and be written in a clear font size so that it is easy to read. In contrast to a caution or warning (warning) addressed to the public that there is a danger or risk that may occur.

4. Structure of short functional teks

Besti, setelah kita mempelajari mengenai jenis-jenis dari short functional teks. Kita juga perlu mempelajari struktur-strukturnya loh. Supaya kita dapat menulis short functional teks dengan lebih rapi dan teratur. Langsung saja cus ketahui struktur of short functional teks 

• structure of greeting card

According to its structure, a greeting card is divided into three elements:

- receiver

 - body

- sender

In short, you can write the name of the recipient of the greeting card in the receiver section and the name of the sender of the card in the sender section. As for the body of the letter, you can write congratulations, prayers, or wishes, depending on the type of greeting card you are making.

• structure of announcement

Announcement text consists of 3 structures, including: 

1. Opening

This is the first structure in the announcement text. In general, the opening part of the announcement text will be characterized by the title (title/type of event), greeting, purpose of the announcement, or an outline of what will be conveyed in the content of the announcement.

2. Content 

You can include detailed information here to answer the what, where, when and how questions.

3. Closing

Here, you can write an appeal, additional information, contact person, social media, call to action, thank you, and also a closing greeting.

• structure of invitation (undangan)

Invitation letters have several structures that must be known, including: 

1. Invitee/Receiver 

This contains the recipients of the invitation

2. Letter Body. 

In this one structure contains the contents of the invitation regarding the event being held

3. Subject 

It contains about what events will be held 

4. Day/Date 

It contains the implementation date of the activity to be carried out 

5. Time

It contains about when the event starts (at what time)

6. Place 

Next is the place where the activity is carried out, for example in a building or something else.

7. Sender 

 This contains the sender of the invitation or the person who invited

• structure of letter (surat)

The following is a structure that must be considered before writing a letter, namely: 

1. Address

In a personal letter, the address is an optional part. This means you can include it or not. There are two kinds of addresses, the sender's and the recipient's. The address written in the top right corner is the sender's address, while the recipient's address is written in the top left corner, slightly below the sender's address.

2. Date

Besides the address, the date is also an optional part of the personal letter. The date is written below the recipient's address, more precisely on the left side. There are two types of date writing, namely British style and American style.

The British style date can be written as December 22, 2022, while the American style date can be written as December 22, 2022.

3. Greeting

Greeting or salutation is a less standard opening greeting in a personal letter, such as Dear, Hi, or Hello, followed by the recipient's name. For example, Dear Kevin. However, for formal letters, greetings must use standard language such as good afternoon, etc 

4. Introduction

An introduction is a preamble at the beginning of a letter that can be written by asking how you are doing or responding to a previous letter if you are writing a reply. In other words, the introduction contains pleasantries before getting into the content of the letter.

5. Body

This is where letter writing comes in. It contains your intent and purpose for writing the letter. For formal letters, the language used must be standardized and in accordance with the rules. For personal letters, you can use everyday language or informal language. For example, you can discuss your personal problems, give congratulations, greet someone, etc.

6. Clossing

To end the letter, you can add a closing to end the letter, for example by writing a hope that the letter will get a reply.

7. Complimentary close

After ending the letter with a few sentences, you can write a closing greeting addressed to the recipient of the letter. You can use a complimentary close such as: 

- yours (for formal letters)

- With love / With love (For personal letters)

8. Signature

Once the personal letter is written, don't forget to include your signature or clear name, and your personal letter is complete and ready to be sent.

• structure of notice (peringatan atau pemberitahuan)

A notice should contain all the necessary details such as:

1. Name of the issuing agency (school, etc)

2. Date of issue/release of the notice

3. Title/Subject of the Event (what?)

4. body-Date/time/duration/Place/Venue (when and where?)

5. Authorized signatory: Name and signature (contact details)

5. Sample of short functional teks

Greeting card 


Invitations ( undangan)

Letter (surat)

Notice (peringatan)

6. Writing

Nah nah nahh bestii aku udah bikin contoh mengenai short functional text loh. Kali ini aku membuat contoh greeting card yang berisi ucapan selamat ulang tahun kepada teman. Silahkan dipelajari yaa :)

Okeeii bestii sampai sini dulu penjelasan materi kali ini mengenai short functional teks. Mudah kan? Semoga materi ini dapat bermanfaat untuk kalian semua dan selamat belajar besti-besti sekalian! Jangan lupa komen yaa, thankyouu ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Daftar link sumber : 

definition of short functional teks

Purpose of short functional teks

Types of short functional teks

Structure letter

Structure of greeting card

Structure of announcement

Structure of invitation

Structure of notice

Sample of greeting card

Sample of announcement

Sample of invitations

Sample of notice

Sample of letter

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  1. kerennn nadiaaaa, semangat terus yaaaaa

  2. keren nad, lanjut trsss😎👍🏻

  3. Wahhh kereeennn, semangat nad nad

  4. Mantab nad,semangatt terus!!! salam sukses & sehat selalu

  5. so cool bro! Keep up the good work on the blog, I love reading your blog 💖☺️


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