Belajar Recount text sambil bernostalgia

 Recount text

Hai bestieeh kembali lagi dengan naia! Bagaimana kabar kalian hari ini? Semoga kalian sehat selalu dan jangan lupa bahagia ya! Kali ini aku bakalan bahas tentang recount text nih. Apasih recount text itu? Kenapa kita harus menulis recount text? Hmm daripada kita lama-lama yuk langsung aja kita bahas. Let's check out! 

1. Definition recount text 

Nah yang pertama ini ada pengertian dsri recount text nih. Apa ya recount text itu? Yuk cek penjelasan berikut 
Recount Text is a text that serves to retell events or experiences that occurred in the past. For example, events that took place last year, last month, or even yesterday.

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2. Purpose of recount text :

Selanjutnya yang kedua ada tujuan dari menulis recount text nih. Apa ya tujuanya? Hmm langsung saja simak berikut ini 
The purpose of a recount text is to list and describe past experiences by retelling events in the order in which they happened. Recounts are written to retell events with the purpose of either informing or entertaining their audience (or both).

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3. Text structure of recount text :

Setelah kalian mengetahui tentang pengertian recount text dan tujuanya, berikut ini ada struktur mengenai recount text agar kalian bisa menulis recount text dengan teratur dan rapi bestie. Let's see what is structure of recount text?

There are three parts of recount text, namely: 

a. Orientation 

The first part of recount text is orientation. This section contains an introduction in the form of the parties involved (who), the location of the incident (where), and the time of occurrence (when) of events that occurred in the past.

b. Event 

The second part contains the story or events that occurred. In the Events section, events are presented chronologically or sequentially in time. The story writer can use conjunctions such as “On the first day…. On the second day….. On the last day….” in telling the story.

c. Re-orientasi

The last part of this recount text contains repetition of the first part, namely Orientation. This repetition contains a summary of the events that occurred. In addition to a summary, this section can also contain the author's personal comments or impressions regarding the events that occurred.

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4. Types of recount text

Yang berikutnya ada macam-macam jenis recount text nih bestiee. Biar kalian lebih paham mengenai recount text, kalian juga harus tau apa aja sih jenis recount text itu? Supaya nanti kalian bisa mempunyai pedoman saat menulis recount text. Ini dia jenis-jenis recount text yang ada :

recount text has 5 types, namely:

a. Personal recount

This type of recount writing is all about the writer’s recollection of a particular event or experience. It includes things like diary writing, but it’s also what we do whenever we tell someone a story about something that happened to us.

b. Imaginative recount

This kind of recount writing applies factual knowledge of an event to create a fictional account of that event. The purpose of an imaginative recount is to help the reader understand an event by providing a fictional recount that’s as true-to-life as possible. 

c. Factual recount

A factual recount includes things like newspaper reports. The purpose of a factual recount is to inform (rather than entertain) the reader about a particular event. Because of this, adverbs and adjectives are less important. You’ll often see facts and figures in this kind of recount writing.

d. Procedural recount

Procedural recounts aren’t very common in English lessons - they’re more for scientists. In fact, they’re most often used to describe an experiment so that it can be replicated by others. Because of this, the language needs to be exact. Procedural recounts might not even involve the use of full sentences.

e. Literary recount

This kind of recount writing is all about entertainment. They can be about fictional or real events and involve real or fictional characters. 

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5. Language feature used in recount text

Nah bestie selanjutnya kalian akan mempelajari mengenai kaidah kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam recount text nih. Gimana sih supaya recount text kita jadi bagus dan bahasanya teratur? Yuk langsung saja simak penjelasan berikut ini 

a. Using simple past tense

In recount text, most of the stories are filled using simple past tense sentences to show activities in the past. Example sentences are as follows: 

Last week, my friends and I went to Jogja. 

Went merupakan bentuk simple past tense dari go

b. Using specific participant

Specific participant that is something that has a certain object, not general, and unique (there is only one). 

Examples include Istanbul Airport, Borobudur Temple, Muara Angke, Geusan Ulun Museum, etc.

c. Using personal participant

Examples of personal participants like I, my group, my friends, my husband, etc. In recount text, usually the personal participant will appear in the orientation section as an introduction to the character or characters in the story.

d. Using action verb

Action verbs are verbs that refer to the actions you take and can be seen by others. The example is : 

First, we visited Parangtritis beach

Visited is a verb that can be seen by others.

e. Using linking verb

linking verb, namely the verb that connects between the subject and description. Linking verbs are used to provide descriptive information and the identity of the subject. So, it does not refer to the actions performed by the subject. 

An example of the word is as follows:

be, become, seem, appear, grow. Be consists of is, am, and are for the simple present tense. Meanwhile, what applies to recount text is its simple past tense, namely was and were. 

f. Using chronological connection/sequence connective

A chronological connection, also known as a chronological connector/connector of sequence, is a conjunction used to express the sequence in which events occur. Of course, this rule is in line with the definition of the recount text itself. Chronological connectors are useful for stating which activities occurred first and which occurred next.

Examples of chronological connectors are then, next, in the end, in addition, and so on. Consider the following examples:

We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant.

(Kami melihat-lihat di Kebun Binatang itu, dan juga memotret binatang-binatang itu. Kemudian, kami merasa lapar, jadi kami pergi ke restoran.)

g. Using conjunction

Conjunction is part of speech whose job is to connect two words, phrases or sentences. Examples of conjunctions in recount text are and, or, until, although, while, but, and many more.

This is how it is applied in a sentence:

One of my friends warned me that Samyang was very spicy, but I didn't want to listen to it.

(Salah satu teman saya memperingatkan saya bahwa Samyang sangat pedas, tetapi saya tidak mau mendengarkannya.)

h. Using adverbs

In simple terms, adverbs are adverbs. It provides more information or describes in more detail than verbs, adjectives, and other words. Example extremely, carefully, slowly, etc. If in a sentence, an example is :

She walked carefully.

(Dia berjalan dengan hati-hati.)

Carefully berperan untuk menerangkan kata kerja walked.

i. Using adverb(ial) phrase 

An adverbial phrase is a phrase that is an adverb, aka a phrase whose function is to explain. If the adverb is part of a sentence whose function is to explain the whole sentence, it is a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Adverbial phrases are part of adverbs, but not always one word and are usually part of a clause or phrase. There are various types of adverbial phrases, but the ones most used in recount text are adverb phrases of time and adverb phrases of place which function to explain the time and place of events. An example is :

A. Adverb phrase of time:

Camelia found her book in the classroom. (Camelia finds her book in class.) 

B. Adverb phrase of place: 

My team won the volleyball tournament last week. (My team won a volleyball tournament last week.)

j. Using time connectives and sequence connective

These connectives are words or phrases that connect parts of words, phrases, clauses or sentences. The time connectives, for example, are in the meantime, the next day, etc. 

Apart from that, there is also a connective sequence to sort information based on its steps. Example: before, after, then, first, second, third, finally, at last.


6. Sample of recount text 

Setelah kalian mengetahui berbagai hal di atas. Aku ada contoh tentang recount text yang dapat kalian jadikan pedoman dalam menulis recount text nih. Yuk kita pelajari! 

A Trip to the National Zoo and Aquarium

Yesterday, my family and I went to the National Zoo and Aquarium to visit the new Snow Cubs and the other animals.

In the morning, when we got to the Zoo and Aquarium there was a great big line, so we had to wait awhile to get in.

After we entered the zoo, we went straight to the enclosure for the Snow Cubs. My brother and I were so excited to see them. They were so cute and playful.

At lunchtime Dad decided to cook a bbq. He cooked sausages so we could have sausage sandwiches. Mum forgot the tomato sauce so we had to eat them plain.

In the afternoon, we visited the aquarium. My brother was excited to see the sharks and the tropical fish.

At the end of the day when we left we were going to go and get ice cream but we decided we were too tired so we drove straight home.


Sample (2)

Vacation to Korea 

I spent my last summer holiday in Seoul, South Korea. I went there with my friends

On the first day, I was landed at Incheon Airport around 7 AM after a 6 hours long flight. Then I went to Seoul by train and checked in to the hotel I already booked. I decided to take a rest for a while. At night, I went to Hongdae, a famous district in South Korea. I went to eat traditional Korean food. On the next day, I went to the Gyeongbokgung Palace and National Museum. I also went to learn how to make Kimchi and see the scenery of Seoul from Seoul Tower. I went back to the hotel at 10 PM and immediately went to sleep.

I spent my last day in Myeongdong and bought some stuffs and souvenirs for my family and friends. I also ate the street food there. I went to the airport at 3 PM because my flight was at 5 PM. I had a fantastic experience in South Korea and made wonderful memory with my friends. It was a great trip.


7. Writing

Selanjutnya aku juga ada text yang sudah kubikin sendiri nih. Cerita ini mengenai kunjungan ke rumah Tante di solo dan berwisata di solo. Yuk dibaca !

Visiting Aunt's house in solo 

In 2020 my extended family and I went to visit Tante in Solo. We left from home at 06.00 WIB. Our trip was very fun, we sang together, ate snacks, and also saw the scenery. We arrived in Solo at 10:00 am, when we got there we were welcomed by Tante and invited to enter the house. There we were served soto with various snacks. After eating our fill, we went on a trip to Curug Sewu in Solo. We swam, saw the beautiful scenery, saw little monkeys, and also visited the waterfall. Before entering the waterfall, we had to climb 1000 stairs, which was very tiring. However, it was all worth it for the beautiful scenery and the unforgettable experience. 

After being satisfied traveling, we finally returned to Tante's house to rest. Then, when it was enough, we finally returned to Semarang at night. Our trip was quite stressful because we had to pass through many spooky and scary forests. In the end we got home at 12pm, as soon as I got home I went straight to bed. This trip was very tiring for me, but very fun and exciting to remember.

Video :

Nah bestiee gimana menurut kalian Tentang materi yang satu ini? Cukup menyenangkan untuk dipelajari bukan? Karena sambil kita belajar, kita juga dapat mengingat pengalaman apa saja yang sudah kita alami. Sampai sini dulu yaa pembelajaran kita sekarang, see u in another leeson and keep the spirit of learning !!

Materi-materi lain untuk dipelajari : 

Materi descriptive text

Materi deskripsi seseorang

Materi historical place


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