Belajar mendeskripsikan seseorang dengan cepat ~

Hai bestieeh, apa kabar hari ini? Semoga sehat selalu dan jangan lupa bahagia ya! Kali ini aku akan menjelaskan ke kalian mengenai deskripsi people nih. Gimana sih cara mendeskripsikan seseorang? Saat apa aja sih kita perlu mendeskripsikan seseorang? Nah, di blog ini kalian akan mempelajari semua itu. Tapi sebelum itu, jangan lupa kunjungi tulisan aku yang sebelumnya ya, aku udah bikin penjelasan mengenai teks deskripsi loh! Kalau kalian ingin mengetahui mengenai teks deskripsi lebih lanjut yuk cek link dibawah

Yuk langsung saja simak penjelasan dibawah ini mengenai deskripsi people! Let's check out!!

1. Definition

Nah bestie yang pertama ada definisi nih. Apa sih describing people itu? Yuk kita simak penjelasannya

Describing people means describing someone. There are four materials describing people that you can raise, namely physical appearance, behavior, character, and emotions. Someone can be described based on certain situations, such as when you lose someone, when you describe a friend, when you become a witness in a trial, and so on. people/#:~:text=Materi%20Describing%20People,lewat%20kata%20kerja%20(verb)

2. Vocabulary

Nah bestie yang kedua ada vocabulary nih. Vocabulary adalah kosakata yang sering muncul dalam teks deskripsi. Seperti kata berulangkali yang muncul pada teks. Langsung saja kita simak penjelasan di bawah ini

A. Basic Sentences for Describing People
The first three sentence frames we will look at are simple sentences. One of the most common ways to describe people is with adjectives: tall, short, fat, skinny, pretty, handsome, ugly. To use these common adjectives in a sentence, try this frame:

The man is [ADJECTIVE].

The man is tall. The man is fat. The man is ugly. The man is in shape. These are all good sentences in English. 

B. Basic Sentences Describing Features

The next basic sentence frame for describing people in English focuses on a specific feature: glasses, curly hair, black hair, blue eyes, a mustache, a ponytail. To talk about a person’s features, use this sentence:

The woman has [FEATURE]. 

With this sentence frame, you can make lots of different sentences:The woman has curly hair. The woman has glasses. The woman has long hair. The woman has a ponytail. 

C. Basic Sentences Describing Clothes

The last sentence we will talk about for describing people focuses on clothes. Who doesn’t love clothes!? Black shoes! Gray pants! Blue ties! Green skirts! But let’s make complete sentences with them. Here is the sentence frame:

The woman is wearing [CLOTHES].

D. Adjectives Before Nouns

Let’s use that example. The I want to tell you that the man is my neighbor, and I also want to describe him as tall. I can put the adjective before the noun: The tall man is my neighbor. You can also put any of the other adjectives from above into that slot.

The [ADJECTIVE] man is my neighbor.

The handsome man is my neighbor. The old man is my neighbor. The fat man is my neighbor. And again, the end of the sentence (which we call the predicate) is a slot, too, and you can put different verbs in there: The tall man likes football. The tall man is eating. The tall man has a car.

E. Features and With

If you want to talk about someone’s features in that same sentence, we need to use the preposition with. We could say The man with glasses is my neighbor. Any of the other features can go into that same slot:

The man with [FEATURE] is my neighbor.

The man with red hair is my neighbor. The man with a mustache is my neighbor.

F. Clothing and in

When we want to talk about clothes, we need another preposition. Instead of with, we use in. The man in the blue shirt is my neighbor. Any of the clothing vocabulary above can go into that same slot:

The man in [CLOTHES] is my neighbor.

The man in the tie is my neighbor. The man in the grey pants is my neighbor. The woman in the red hat is my neighbor.

2. Word Order

Nah bestiee, selanjutnya ada word Order nih. Word Order adalah susunan sebuah kata untuk membentuk sebuah kata yang utuh dan lengkap sesuai dengan urutannya. Pada susunan kalimat bahasa Inggris umumnya menggunakan urutan SVO, sebagai contoh:

a. She baked Portuguese egg tarts. (Dia                memanggang Portuguese egg tarts.)

b. They found nothing. (Mereka tak                       menemukan apapun.)

c. Dini and her family love cats. (Dini dan            keluarganya menyukai kucing.)

Berikut ini aku ada gambar mengenai penjelasan dari word Order. 

Adjectives Word Order - English Grammar Lesson

3. Sample

Nah bestie, selanjutnya aku ada  beberapa contoh mengenai teks deskripsi seseorang nih yang aku temukan. Yuk dibaca.

Sample (1)

My Father

My father is Mr. Marzuki. He is very warm, smart, dan funny person. I live with him in Munjungan, Trenggalek.

My father is quite handsome man. Now, he is about 35 years old. He has well-built body because he always does exercise every day. He is also tall. He has short black hair and black eyes. He has an oval face and pointed chin. He has slight moustaches and beard. He has slight dark brown skin.

Sample (2)

My Smartest Classmate, Nila

I have a classmate that is good at almost all subjects. Her name is Nila Lutfiawati. All her classmates usually call her Nila. She is a quiet person.

Nila has a pair of thick bushy eyebrows. Her face is oval and her nose is a bit flat. She has slim and short body. Her skin is brown. She has long and wavy hair. She is a good person and treats all of her friends nicely. She is also a polite, diligent, discipline, and friendly person. Her hobby is solving crossword. She likes to eat crispy fried banana and drink ice tea.

Nila is the most active students in my class. When our teacher gives a test, she can do it quickly even though it’s so difficult. Although she is the smartest student in class and gets the highest score of all students in my school, it doesn’t make her become a big-headed person and always stays humble. She always helps me whenever I face some troubles in doing my assignment.

4. Writing 

Nah bestie, di bawah ini aku juga udah buat dialog mengenai describing people loh. Pada dialog di bawah ini, describing people bertujuan untuk mencari seseorang yang hilang. Cus dibaca dulu. 

Agnes : excuse me, may I ask a question?

Jira: sure

Agnes : I'm looking for my lost child around this park. did you see it?

Jira: can you describe its characteristics?

Agnes : she is about 100-125cm tall, has a fat body, has long straight hair, wears pink shoes and wears a white shirt.

jira: did he bring anything? like candy or balloons?

Agnes : yes, last time she brought red balloons. did you see it?

Jira: I think I've seen it. Wait a minute, oh little girl. I saw him sitting here alone crying earlier, he said, he was looking for his mother. Then I took him to play in the shop opposite. It seems he is still there with my husband.

Agnes: oh thank goodness, thank you very much for the help. I almost reported this to the police when my child was not found. thank goodness my child was found by a good person.

Jira: You're welcome. Tomorrow again, if you look after your child, you will be supervised. Thankfully these can still be found. How about no

Agnes : fine, then I'll be careful. Once again, thank you so much.

Nah itu dia bestii penjelasan dari aku. Semoga dapat bermanfaat ya bagi kita semua!! Jangan lupa share blog ini ke teman-teman kalian ya supaya kita dapat belajar bersama-sama. Terimakasih, see you in another Lesson!


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