Belajar Teks Deskripsi Dalam 5 Menit

Halo sobat kece yang hidup di bumi!! Kali ini kita akan mempelajari mengenai teks deskripsi dalam bahasa Inggris nih. Sebelum itu, kalian tau gak sih apa itu teks deskripsi? Nah, kalau belum tahu, langsung saja yuk simak penjelasan di bawah ini, pastikan kalian membaca sampai selesai ya, agar kalian mengerti dan langsung bisa menulis teks deskripsi seperti author-author di Webtoon atau wattpad. 


1. Definition 

Description text is a type of text that aims to explain or describe people,animals,places or object. Generally,what is described is its shape, characteristics, or character. 

2. Text structure 

There are 2 descriptive text structures,name.

A. Identification 

Identification is an introduction,in the form of an overview of a topic

B. Description.

Description contains the special characteristics of the thing, place, or person being described. For example the characteristics, physical appearance, and other things that are written specifically


3.Expression/sentence used in description text 

In description text usually using spesific nouns, such as my cat, my boyfriend, National monument. In addiction, you often use adjectives to clarify the use of nouns, such as big house, a smart student, an independent woman. Using the basic or state of an object. Using conjungtions to connect a sentence and using preposition to show adverb of place.

Nah,sekarang kalian sudah paham kan apa itu desription text dan apa saja struktutnya. Agar lebih mengerti,aku ada contoh teks deskripsi buat kalian nih. Dibaca sampai habis ya!! 

4. Sample of description text

My Bedroom 

My room is my favorite place in my house. My room is in second floor, next to my big sister’s room. My room is painted light grey. There is big bed inside my room where I sleep every day. I put some pictures on my desk. There are my family picture, my picture with my friends, and my pictures with my pet, Luna, a persian cat. I also have drawers where I put all my clothes inside. My room is not big, but it is the best place in my house for me.


Expression used in description text :

Batu city

Batu City is one of the most beautiful cities in Indonesia. It has a beautiful view and cool air. The city is located close to Malang, 105.5 km from Surabaya. Batu city temperature can reach 12 degrees Celsius. Batu is famous for the many tourist attractions in the city. In addition, Batu also has a lot of delicious food, fruit, and snacks. One of Batu’s signature snacks is apple chips.


Expression sentence used in description text

This is another example of the description text what I found. This text tells about orangutan, protected animals in Indonesia 

The Orangutan

The Orangutan is a species of the ape; it has long arms and hands, with very long fingers. It is much larger than the ape, and some have been found about six feet high, when standing erect.It is capable of walking nearly erect; but the usual gait on the ground is like a cripple who supports himself on his hands, and draws his body forward.Its home, like the monkey family, seems to be on the trees. The hair is of a brownish red color, and covers his back,arms, legs, and the outside of his hands and feet.The face has no hair except whiskers on its side. He inhabits Malacca, Cochin China, and particularly the island of Borneo.


expression sentence used in description text:

Nah itu tadi adalah beberapa contoh teks deskripsi yang dapat kalian pelajari. Eh selain contoh yang di atas, aku masih ada 1 contoh teks deskripsi yang aku buat sendiri loh. Berikut ini adalah teksnya :

This text describes a place in my high school, namely the school library. Here is the text :

School Library

The library is my favorite place in school. The library at my school is located at the end near the prayer room, next to the UKS room. about 50 meters from the school lobby. This library provides textbooks for each department. there are books majoring in electrical engineering, majoring in dpib, majoring in automotive, majoring in animation, and others. Apart from majors books, there are also general subject books such as math learning tips, math practice exercises, learning sports and many more.

The library also has a lot of novels available. There are horror novels, romantic novels, and novels about Indonesian history in this library. In addition to novels, there are also many comics provided in this library. There are Naruto comics, Detective Conan, Miiko, and many more. This library room has several facilities that can be 

used such as air conditioning, a chair that is located far right from the door, sitting cushions, several tables, carpets, and a comfortable reading room. In this library there are also some interesting posters on display, and there is a reception desk to the left of the entrance

Nah sobat, gimana nih menurut kalian tentang teks deskripsi yang sudah aku buat? Sampai sini pasti kalian sudah mulai paham kan mengenai teks deskripsi? Nah, selain teks deskripsi yang sudah aku buat di atas, aku juga sudah membuat deskripsi mengenai buku-buku pembelajaranku loh!! Supaya lebih paham lagi, yuk dibaca! berikut ini deskripsinya :

Books for lesson 

This is the book I use when I'm productive 

In vocational learning, not many books are given. Some are provided in the form of pdf files via WhatsApp media. There are 3 books used. 

A. Basic module of building modeling and information, by Aulia Putri, Chilmi Nour A, Fidya PS,Dicky N, M Nur Fuan. 

I use this module to study material regarding design, modeling and building information. The design     of this module is quite interesting because it uses several elements that can make readers interested. 

B. Building Drawing Techniques, by Suparno. 

 I use this book to learn things about drawing buildings, such as the different kinds of drawing tools, how to use drawing tools, texture drawing techniques, flat shapes, geometric shapes, and others. The     cover of this book depicts several  of buildings with a blue background, and a yellow title, with a contrasting color that can be the center of the eye so that it makes the reader interested in reading and studying the module.

C. Book  Science of Building Statics, by Mawahib Effendy.  

I use this module to study building statics with analytics and graphics.The cover on this module is less attractive, because the design used is too simple and basic.

This is the book i use when i'm normada

When studying normally, books are used very much. There are 11 books of various subjects. Here I will only mention and review 4 books. 

A. Pancasila Education and Citizenship. 

This book has an attractive cover because it has many colors and pictures that reflect the contents of        the book. On the cover there is a picture of an Garuda bird and a map of Indonesia. This book is quite     thick because there are 214 pages in total. This book contains the origins of how Indonesia became        independent, who were the figures in independence, the practice of Pancasila, mutual cooperation        among human beings, and much more.

B. Indonesian History

This book is dark brown in color with a simple design, there are photos of Archa, the Andi monument, and the mosque. This book is the 2017 edition. The total page of this book is 280 pages, with medium thickness paper. This history book discusses the origin of the earth. Events that tell the evolution of the earth through the big bang theory, until the earth becomes its current form. I used this book to learn about Indonesian history, various races, some theories put forward by scientists. 

C. Islamic religious education book and manners.

This book has a cover that is quite interesting, colorful, however, the book cover doesn't really show     the contents of this book. It has a total of 328 pages and is written by some of the best teachers In the   field of Islamic religion. This book contains Islamic religious teachings, starting from the Qur'an and     hadith, doing good things according to Islamic teachings, Islamic insurance, the prohibition of sinning, until the history of Islam is explained in this book. 

d.) Indonesian language books. 

This book has an interesting cover because it is colorful and also has pictures on this cover. This book has a total of 232 pages, quite a lot for the size of a textbook. This book contains knowledge about several texts in Indonesian, such as observation report texts, short stories, saga texts, and many more. Besides containing explanations, this book is equipped with a QR code so that students can understand more about the lesson

Nah sobat, menurut kalian gimana nih penjelasan mengenai teks deskripsi di atas? Pasti kalian sudah mulai memahami teks deskripsi kan!! Oh ya sobat, aku juga udah buat materi mengenai teks deskripsi tersebut di flipbook loh! Jangan lupa dikunjungi yaa!!

Link flipbook :

Mungkin itu dulu ya sobat penjelasan dari aku, semoga dapat bermanfaat. See you soon!!


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