Explanation text


Hi hello everyone, back again with me, naia!!! How are you guys doing? I hope you're always healthy and happy wherever you are!!! What are we learning today? Okay friends, so today we will learn about explanation text. Starting from understanding, characteristics, to examples. 

Okay let's go straight to the material, Happy reading!

1. What is explanation text? 

Okay, the first and most basic thing is that we must first know what explanation text is? So, an Explanation text is a piece of non-fiction writing explaining an action process or event in a detailed but simple way. The purpose of writing an explanatory text is to explain what phenomena occur and explain the cause and effect of an event.

2. Characteristik explanation text

Okay, next we will learn about the characteristics of the explanatory text. Hmm how do we know if it's an explanatory text? Well, here are the characteristics:

A.) The information contained is based on facts (factual).

B.) What is discussed is a phenomenon that is scientific in nature or related to science.

C.) It is informative and does not try to influence the reader to believe in what is discussed.

D.) Focuses on generic things, not human participants. Examples: tsunami, flood, earthquake, rain, etc.

3. Generic structure of explanation text 

What follows is the structure of the explanatory text. Before you write an explanatory text, of course, you need a structure as a guideline for writing. Apart from being neat, the structure is also useful so that your text is easy to read and not messy. The following is the structure of the explanatory text:

A.) Title. 

Every text or writing certainly has a title at the beginning to tell what is written in a writing, so is the explanation text. The title of the explanation text aims to prepare or direct the reader to the text. The title of this text usually appears in various forms that mention an action. 

B.) General statement

In the opening statement, the writer can also include the identification of a process to be explained in the text. To write an opening statement, you can try to focus on the process of the phenomenon you want to explain.

An opening statement that introduces or identifies a phenomenon to be discussed will give the reader a brief introduction to it and provide a brief understanding of the type of text you are writing.

C.) Explanation. This section contains an explanation of the process of this happening. How the process of something happening is demanded. You can explain the causes or stages of how it happened. This section can be 1 paragraph, 2 paragraphs or even more. 

D.) Closing. This closing section contains conclusions from the events that occurred.

4. Language featured use in explanation text 

The next is the linguistic structure used in the explanatory text. In writing explanatory text, we also have to pay attention to the language. The following is the linguistic structure of the explanatory text:

a. Using the passive voice

b. Uses casual and time conjunctions

c. There are scientific terms

d. Uses material and rational verbs

e. Is informative

5. example of explanation text 


Lightning is a bolt of electricity between the sky and the ground. A single bolt has enough power to light hundreds of lamps for a day. Lightning can strike people and even kill them. Lightning also starts hundreds of forest fires every year.

Inside the big dark thunderclouds on a stormy day are millions of tiny droplets of ice. These collide with each other all the time, creating an electric charge (a small amount of electricity). In no time, they could get filled up with charges.

Electric charges are neither positive nor negative. When negative charges from the bottom of the could and positive charges of the ground meat, a flash is seen. This flash is actually the path of the electrical charges. All this happens in a fraction of a second.

Lightning heats the air around it to temperatures up to 30,000 degrees Celcius. This is more than five times hotter than the surface of the Sun. When air is heated so quickly, it expands and contracts violently, much like a balloon bursting. The explosion is heard as thunder. Lightning and thunder happen at the same time, but why do we always see lightning first and hear thunder later? This is because light travels almost a million times faster than sound.

Okay that's our learning today, hopefully it can be useful for all of us, please apologize if there are errors in writing. Happy learning and see you in other materials!!! Dadaaa


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