asking and giving opinion


Hi hi hello friends all back again with me naiaa!!! how are you? hopefully always healthy and happy continue wherever you are!!! this time we want to discuss what material again huh? Well, this time we will discuss material about asking and giving opinions. you must have given your opinion to someone or asked their opinion about something? well friends, it turns out that in giving opinions it must use polite and good language tablets, so that people who receive opinions do not feel hurt and offended. Last Monday, I learned about this with my teacher, Ms. Fatma, and I want to share the lessons I learned with you. Starting from understanding, to how to give a good and correct opinion. Let's see the explanation below! LEGOOOO

1.   Definition of asking and giving opinion

Well friends, the first is the definition of asking and giving opinion. Before explaining further, we must first know what asking and giving opinion is? Okay so, asking and giving opinion is a way for someone to ask and give an opinion about something to someone else.

2.   How to ask others for their opinions correctly?

Now, for the next one, we will discuss how to ask someone about their opinion correctly? How do you do that? Okay, in this case, depending on the situation and conditions, we can give opinions in different ways and phrases. Here is the explanation. 

 a.       Expression of Asking Opinion in formal Situation

Would you give me your opinion on the marketing team’s strategic plan to prepare for the new school’s academic year?

(Maukah Anda memberi saya pendapat Anda tentang rencana strategis tim pemasaran sebagai persiapan untuk tahun ajaran baru?)
(Please give me your thoughts on the material about managerial finance in our class tonight.
(Tolong beri saya pendapat Anda tentang materi keuangan di kelas kita malam ini)

Have you got any comments on the presidential debate last night?
(Apakah Anda memiliki komentar tentang debat presiden tadi malam?)

b.      Expression of Asking Opinion in informal Situation

Sinta, any comments for my makeup look today?
(Sinta, ada komentar untuk makeup look aku hari ini?)

What do you think about Rara’s outfit of the day?
(Apa pendapat kamu tentang pakaian Rara hari ini?)

How about our new neighbor?
(Bagaimana dengan tetangga baru kita?)

1.     3.            How to ask someone about their opinion?

Well friends, next we will discuss material about how to give our opinion to someone. What is a good and correct way so as not to offend the person listening? Well, like asking for opinion, giving opinion is also divided into two, namely formal and informal.

 a.       Expression of Asking Opinion in formal Situation

In my point of view, this business pitch does not explain the company’s goals for the next 5 years.
(Dalam pandangan saya, bisnis pitch ini tidak menjelaskan tujuan perusahaan untuk 5 tahun ke depan.)

I feel that we should be looking for influencers who reflect that education is very important.
(Merasa bahwa kita harus mencari influencer yang mencerminkan bahwa pendidikan sangat penting.)

I personally believe that the best way to lose weight is with a calorie deficit.
(Saya pribadi percaya bahwa cara terbaik untuk menurunkan berat badan adalah dengan defisit kalori.)


b.      Expression of Asking Opinion in informal Situation

Not everyone will agree with me, but Siwon Choi is not as handsome as people say.
(Tidak semua orang akan setuju denganku, tetapi Siwon Choi tidak setampan yang orang katakan.)

I think that your spaghetti is too salty.
(Saya pikir spaghetti kamu terlalu asin.)

As far as I know, brown rice has good fiber and is better than white rice.
(Sejauh yang aku  tahu, beras merah memiliki serat yang baik dan lebih baik daripada beras putih.)


4.      Contoh Percakapan Sehari-hari Menggunakan Common Expression Asking and Giving Opinion

For the next one, we will discuss about the examples of daily conversations using the common expression asking and giving opinion. Yesterday, I have made a short example of conversation dialog about this material with the guidance of my teacher.  This dialog contains someone who is discussing the movie Insidious. Here is the conversation:

Salma : I think we should not watch Insidious movie

Nadia : Why? Insidious movie is great

Salma: Because in my opinion, the movie Insidious is very scary, there are many shocking scenes.

Nadia : I disagree with you, I think the movie Insidious is very fun to watch for people who like horror movies.

Salma: Why do you think the movie was so good?

Nadia: Because there are many unexpected plot twists, and the story is not boring.

Salma: Well maybe I think it should not be watched because there are various scenes such as violence and murder.

Nadia : Yes, it will probably be liked by people who like horror movies and disliked by people who don't like horror movies.

Salma : Right, I agree with you.

Well, friends, that's all the explanation from naia today about asking and giving opinions. Hopefully it can be useful for all of us, please apologize if there are mistakes in words that are less pleasing and thank you for reading until the end!!! Happy learning and See you next time, babayy!!!

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