
English exam

Hii friends back again with naia! In this blog, I will write something different from before. I will write about some question that I got from my teacher and explain the answers in a video! Don't forget to read until the end!  Question and answer : 2. What makes the opinion different from the facts? The differenct between fact and opinion is that A fact is something that is obvious, that has happened without being Made up. Meanwhile opinion is someone's view about something  4. Give your opinion about viral issues! I brought up a case that happened recently, wich is the case of a child that burned down his own school because he was bullied by his friends and was not listened to by his teacher. On my opinion, this should not happen, and the student should love his own school, not burn it down. However, it is not only student fault, but also his friend and teachers fault. His friend should have been better at making friends, instead of bullying him. And for the teacher

reading recount text

hai hai hello guys how are you today? i hpe you always happy and always healthy!! oke in this time i will share about recount text. Previously, I have already made material about recount text. if you are curious and want to know more about recount text, please check at the end I will give the link! in this blog I will only model the reading of the recount text that has been prepared. keep watching the video!  before going to the video, please first look at the text that I will read. here is the text unexpected experience One day, when I was ten years old, my father bought an old motorcycle. That was “Honda 75”. I think it was small light object and easy to ride it. I persuade my father to teach me to ride “Honda 75”. Firstly, my father refused my request and promised that he would teach me two or three years later, but I still whimpered. Finally, my father surrendered and promised to teach me.             He began to teach me riding the motorcycle around the field in my village. My f

Explanation text

 EXPLANATION TEXT Hi hello everyone, back again with me, naia!!! How are you guys doing? I hope you're always healthy and happy wherever you are!!! What are we learning today? Okay friends, so today we will learn about explanation text. Starting from understanding, characteristics, to examples.  Okay let's go straight to the material, Happy reading! 1. What is explanation text?  Okay, the first and most basic thing is that we must first know what explanation text is? So, an Explanation text is a piece of non-fiction writing explaining an action process or event in a detailed but simple way. The purpose of writing an explanatory text is to explain what phenomena occur and explain the cause and effect of an event. 2. Characteristik explanation text Okay, next we will learn about the characteristics of the explanatory text. Hmm how do we know if it's an explanatory text? Well, here are the characteristics: A.) The information contained is based on facts (factual). B.) What is

Recount text

 RECOUNT TEXT Hi there everyone, back again with me, naia!!! What are we learning today? What material are we learning today? Hmmm, so friends this time we will discuss material about recount text. What is recount text? In short, recount text is a text that tells about the past, friends. So this time we will discuss about it. About the purpose of making it, how to make it, until later at the end there is an example of recount text. Without further delay, let's go straight to the material, LETS GOUUU!!! 1.   Definition of recount text Okay friends, the first thing we will learn is the definition of recount text. Earlier I explained briefly that recount text is a text that tells about the past or the past. Now more fully, recount text is a text that is made to tell or tell the activities that the author has done in the past. This text uses past tense because it tells about the past or things that have already happened. 2.   Purpose of recount text Next, we will learn about the pu

procedure text

 PROSEDUR TEXT Hi hi guys!!! Back again with me, naia!!! How are you doing today? I hope you are always in good health and happy! What else do we want to learn today? Hm... so, this time we will learn material about text procedures. What is text procedure? How does the text procedure look like? Okay, without further ado, let's go straight to the discussion! 1.    What is a procedure text?  First, let's learn about what a procedure text is. So, a procedure text is a text that explains, informs or helps the reader on how to make or use something. Usually, this type of text begins with the phrase "How to...", such as "How to make a cup of tea" or "How to operate an oven". 2.           Purpose of procedure text Okay friends, next is the purpose of procedure text. Why do we need procedure text in our daily life? So, the purpose of procedure text is to tell or explain to people about how to make something by using steps, so that it is easy for readers

news item

 NEWS ITEM Hello hello anyeonggg my lovee!!! Back again with me, naia!!! Don't get bored ya, haha. Okay friends on this occasion we want to learn what material again? Well, this time we will learn new material about news. You must know what news is and where to find news. Yes, as you know, we can find news anywhere, such as on television, newspapers, social media, radio, and others. So, this time we will review a little about the news so that you know more about the news. We will learn what news is, how the structure is used and later at the end of the material, I will give examples of news and analyze its structures. So, read on until the end!!! 1. Definition of news Okay friends, first we will discuss the definition of news. For those of you who don't know the definition of news, just read below. A news item text is an English text that describes an important event or occurrence in a form that resembles news, or is newsworthy. 2. Characteristics of news Now for the next

short functional text

SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXT Hello hello hello hello friends, back again with me, naia!!! How are you doing today? Hopefully you are always healthy and continue to be happy wherever you are!!! Okay friends as usual we will learn new material again here. What other material will we learn today? Okay, so this time we will learn about short functional text. What is short functional text and what are its uses? Well, so here we will discuss all your questions about short functional text.  Don't forget to read until the end so that you understand more about this material! Okay without further delay, let's go straight to the discussion. LETSGOUUUU 1.             What is functional teks Okay friends, first we will learn about the meaning of short functional text. What is short functional text? Let's find out. So,  Short functional texts  are types of informational texts to help the readers understand the information quickly. Short functional texts are usually characterized by: - The use o